Defend Us in Battle: The True Story of MA2 Navy SEAL Medal of Honor Recipient Michael A. Monsoor Spiral-Bound |

George Monsoor, Rose M. Rea (With)

★★★★☆+ from 31 to 100 ratings

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When US Navy SEAL Michael Monsoor sacrificed his life by stepping in front of a live grenade to save his comrades during Operation Iraqi Freedom, he inspired thousands around the world and reminded us that freedom is never free.

On September 29, 2006, Michael Monsoor and three SEAL snipers watched vigilantly for enemy activity from their rooftop post in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. When a grenade thrown from insurgents bounced off Michael's chest, he could have escaped. Instead, he threw himself onto the live grenade, shielding his fellow soldiers from the immediate explosion. Michael died thirty minutes later, having made the ultimate sacrifice.

As George Monsoor (Michael's father) and Rose Rea show us in Defend Us in Battle, Michael had prepared for this selfless act all his life--a life that inspires us to have a similar generosity of heart. This fast-paced, compelling biography

  • tells the true story of a quiet boy from California who achieved his dream of becoming a Navy SEAL and saved numerous lives throughout his deployment
  • recounts how Michael's childhood of asthma and being bullied made him a staunch defender of justice and passionate about never quitting
  • draws on interviews, military documents, and eyewitness accounts to detail Michael’s remarkable military career and devotion to God and others
  • is an ideal gift for readers of military biographies such as American Sniper, the Last Punisher,and Unbroken,as well as for anyone eager to remember that this world still has heroes

In addition to the Medal of Honor, Michael received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star Medal, and the Purple Heart for his years serving his country. But his greatest legacy is in the hearts of those he inspired to live, and even die, for the sake of brotherly love.

Publisher: HarperCollins Focus
Original Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 208 pages
ISBN-10: 0785290591
Item Weight: 0.6 lbs
Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.8 x 8.3 inches
Customer Reviews: 4 out of 5 stars 31 to 100 ratings
'Defend Us in Battle is a powerful narrative about modern warfare and a tribute to Michael and his teammates. It is also an American family's story. The Medal of Honor is awarded for an act of such courage that no one could rightly be expected to underate it. Nothing in our SEAL training would have led Michael to do what he did. Yet for those of us who knew him, especially his teammates in Task Unit Bruiser, we were not surprised by what he did. His mother, Sally, and father, George, were his examples of love, selflessness, and service above self. It is the nurturing of our families that gives SEAL warriors courage. It is this dedication to ideals greater than self that gives us strength.' -Vice Admiral Joseph Maguire, USN (Ret.)

George Monsoor is Michael's father and a Marine veteran. He was born in Wisconsin and moved to Southern California at an early age. He and his wife, Sally, have been married for forty-nine years and have four children, including Michael, along with nine grandchildren. He has spent more than five decades in the business and entrepreneurial fields and continues to reside Southern California.