Essays and Fictions: Essays and Fictions Spiral-Bound |

Brad Phillips (Original author)

★★★★☆+ from 501 to 1,000 ratings

$21.89 - Free Shipping
Short stories about drugs and sex that blur the lines of reality and fiction

Brad Phillips' collection of short stories adeptly walks a very thin line between taboo and propriety, with rigorous self-awareness and generosity. By confusing ideas around fiction and autobiography, Phillips writes with painful sincerity about shame, addiction, trauma, and the more troubling outreaches of sexual desire, with wit that is at odds with the subject matter.
Publisher: Consortium Book Sales & Distribution
Original Binding: Trade Paperback
Pages: 300 pages
ISBN-10: 0999218646
Item Weight: 0.96 lbs
Dimensions: 5.0 x 1.2 x 8.0 inches
Customer Reviews: 4 out of 5 stars 501 to 1,000 ratings
"Last week, Giancarlo Di Trapano turned me on to Suicidal Realism, a short memoir by the Canadian painter Brad Phillips. It’s not exactly an edifying book. Phillips’s main themes are drugs and sex, in that order: “People who like to get fucked up with other people are not people I like to get fucked up with.” But Phillips has a watchful intelligence and self-knowledge, and an impatient sincerity, that sneak up on you (or at least, snuck up on me). He doesn’t ask to be liked, even by his groupies, but he does want to communicate: “I’m not interested in the ones who are drawn to the creator of the work, I’m interested in the ones who are drawn to the content.” —Lorin Stein
Brad Phillips lives in Scarborough, Canada