In this standalone sequel to Escargot,written by award-winning author Dashka Slater, we follow a funny and charming French snail through a library to find the book of his dreams.
Bonjour! It is moi, Escargot, your favorite French snail. Today I am going on a trip to the library, where there are so many stories to choose from! Stories about dog superheroes . . . guinea pig detectives . . . and flamingo astronauts.
But sadly, none of these books is about a daring snail hero who saves the day. What is that you say? Perhaps this is the book about the snail hero? Ooh là là!
Publisher: Macmillan
Original Binding: Hardcover Picture Book
Pages: 40 pages
ISBN-10: 0374312869
Item Weight: 0.9 lbs
Dimensions: 9.4 x 0.4 x 10.4 inches
Customer Reviews: 4 out of 5 stars 501 to 1,000 ratings
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