A Divine Revelation of Heaven & Hell Spiral-Bound |

Mary K. Baxter, T. L. Lowery

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In A Divine Revelation of Heaven, after thirty nights in which God gave her visions of the depths of hell and the punishments of the lost, Mary K. Baxter was shown for ten nights the glories of heaven—the home of redeemed souls. Included in this book are her depictions of heaven’s gates, angels, music, worship, storehouses of blessings, joyful heavenly citizens, four living creatures, and the brilliant throne of God. Mary also describes heaven’s perfect order and purpose, what happens to children, and much more. These breathtaking glimpses of heaven, interspersed with applicable Bible verses, will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ.

In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late—and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.
Publisher: Whitaker House
Original Binding: Trade Paperback
Pages: 320 pages
ISBN-10: 1641232781
Item Weight: 0.7 lbs
Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
Customer Reviews: 4 out of 5 stars 1,001 to 10,000 ratings
An international evangelist, Mary K. Baxter (1940–2021) was in full-time ministry for over thirty years, ever since she was taken by God into the dimensions and torments of hell, as well as the streets of heaven, for over forty nights in 1976.

God commissioned Mary to record her experiences and tell others of the horrific depths, degrees, and torments of hell, as well as the wonderful destiny of heaven for the redeemed of Jesus Christ. There truly is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain!

Throughout her life, Mary experienced many visions, dreams, and revelations of heaven, hell, and the spirit realm. She was sent by God to minister in over 125 nations, and her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. Salvation sprang forth as she walked in the miraculous power of God on her life. Signs and wonders followed her, and testimonies of God’s saving grace abounded in her ministry. Mary had a mother’s heart to see all people come into the kingdom of God and become all that God created them to be. She birthed numerous other ministries and poured into the lives of others to see the kingdom of God expand into the emerging generations of the earth.

Mary was ordained as a minister in 1983 and received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Faith Bible College, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University.

Mary’s books include A Divine Revelation of Satan’s Deceptions, A Divine Revelation of Hell, A Divine Revelation of Heaven, A Divine Revelation of the Spirit Realm, A Divine Revelation of Angels, A Divine Revelation of Spiritual Warfare, A Divine Revelation of Deliverance, A Divine Revelation of Healing, A Divine Revelation of Prayer, and The Power of the Blood